Would You Smoke One Crack Rock For 10 Million Dollars?
Are you kidding? Sometimes I have to wonder who these memes are targeted to. This would be the easiest and best life decision I’ve ever made on the account of having hardly any shame, and also knowing there’s not a huge threat to doing “crack”. .
The only people who’d say no are maybe people with predispositions to addictive behavior and ignoramuses that think “one hit and you’re hooked” is based in any fact or science whatsoever. First of all, it’s not. Second of all, if you’ve ever done cocaine–congratulations, you’ve done crack already and spent more money on it for less potent product. .
If there are no other consequences besides the side effects of benzoylmethylecgonine, can I smoke 1 crack rock every year and keep getting free money? It lasts only like 2 hours. That’s less of a commitment than the majority of other drugs I’ve ever used (like DMT which was exactly 5 minutes). I could basically do crack on a lunch break and continue my day.
This could be my retirement plan. I could fix the NYC MTA. I could solve the housing crisis. I could pay off a bunch of politicians to change shitty drug laws. I could take multiple trips into space on Virgin Galactic. I could buy like like 500 Bruker FT-IRs with that.
This question was designed for 8 year olds that just graduated from the shitty D.A.R.E program.
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