The Original “Love Drug”: MDA

Since I’m talking about prosex drugs next week, I figured I’d talk about one of my favorite drugs—The original “love drug”: MDA.
MDA is a stimulant and empathogen, similar to MDMA, but typically produces more visuals. It is known to be more neurotoxic than MDMA. Experimentation with MDA, along with LSD, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, marijuana, etc. was a major component of 1960s counterculture, influencing philosophy, art, music and styles of dress.
Most people become aware of a sense of physical and mental well-being that intensifies gradually and steadily. .
MDA commonly induces a state of profound relaxation and patience in which anxiety and defensiveness are left far behind. “It is impossible to imagine anything being a threat in that state”. Unlike most stimulants, MDA does not increase motor activity—it suppresses it in a remarkable way. The combined effects of relaxation and centering greatly facilitate certain kinds of physical activities, such as yoga, martial arts, and any disciplines requiring balance and maintenance of posture. .
It feels as if nothing is threatening, and, in fact, things in the external world behave differently. This theme carries through to interpersonal relations. When people feel well, centered, unthreatened, and aware of their own strength and loveliness, they are able to drop many of the usual barriers that develop in groups. Participants may feel very loving toward one another, but the feelings are not explicitly sexual. For many people the experience of enjoying physical contact and feeling love with others in the absence of a specific hunger for sex is unique and welcome. .
Other hungers and desires may also disappear in the MDA state. Habitual users of tobacco or marijuana do not need tp smoke. Nail biters leave their fingers alone. Compulsive talkers become quiet. Compulsive eaters do not think about food. Moreover, this desireless condition feels supremely natural and valuable. MDA affects the senses minimally, everything appears as normal.
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