Study Finds Cannabis Compounds Prevent Infection By Covid-19 Virus (Except Not Really)

*inhales deeply*
Seeing this article being shared with the caption/sentiment “skip the jab, take a dab”.
First of all, you didn’t even read the fucking article past the headline obviously.
It says in the same article that the cannabinoids that were found to be resistant against the virus are not found in hemp products, meaning you can’t smoke/dab, or even buy on the current market. Also, the same article quotes the researchers suggesting this would ideally be used in conjunction with [a] vaccine[s].
Secondly, the Forbes article doesn’t even link the study. Sus. Vice linked it and also did a better job of breaking down the information they know people don’t understand.
The first sentence of the research abstract says “As a complement to vaccines…”
I’m not interested in what someone’s personal stance on taking the vaccine is at this point–it’s a waste of energy. If people can’t look at the raw information themselves after over a year later–they don’t want to look at it. They don’t want to know. However, don’t misconstrue medical research, tf. We’re already waist deep in bullshit from misinformation like that all over the place.
At the beginning of the pandemic someone claimed a study proved that masks reduce blood-oxygen levels (to a degree that would be concerning for ppl). I read the research they were talking about and it literally doesn’t even conclude that.
I guess they cherry-picked some sentences from the middle of the paper that said it temporarily reduced blood-oxygen levels a negligible amount. Levels return to normal afterwards and you get used to it entirely. Not that anyone would need to read the research to observe that physicians all over the world aren’t suffocating to death.
Y’all don’t realize there’s a thing called altitude training that enables people to get used to lower oxygen levels? It can make athletes more performant. White people, y’all be the ones hiking into the stratosphere, stepping over frozen dead bodies to get to mountain tops for reasons my black ass can’t comprehend–you literally should know that already–but it be the same weirdos acting like nobody can breathe with a paper mask on.
Ppl tryna get niggas kill’t.