Serotonin Syndrome and Causes

I don’t think people really know what Serotonin Syndrome is or what causes it, so I found a source that had some useful graphics to describe it in the meantime.
- SS, or Serotonin Toxicity can be mild, moderate, or severe. It is not always life threatening. Have you ever just been sweaty as shit with jittery eyes? Sometimes SS is just uncomfortable and it goes away on its own. Severe cases can cause seizures.
- You can get SS without taking MAOIs. In slide 2, SS can occur from taking two or more of group B drug, especially if one is taken at a HIGH dose. I’ve definitely known people to try to offset the effects of their SSRIs/SNRIs with more MDMA. Shitty idea. It’s not going to feel any more euphoric and can increase the physiological side effects–NDRI (Wellbutrin) included (but not pictured, SS risk low). Also, don’t randomly stop taking your antidepressants unless you wanna be at risk of going from sadboi the saddest boi. Whether recreationally, or to undergo psychedelic therapy. This is bonus info not covered in the graphics, but I get asked a about this. Also, you can’t just stop taking your meds for one night and expect it to not be in your system anymore. Understand the half-life of drugs. You’d have to taper off of it for a longer period of time. Without proper medical guidance you’re likely to experience withdrawals.
- What is a high dose of MDMA? Probably the amount you’re taking. Some of today’s pills are 200+mg. 40mg is an active dose. 75-125mg is a therapeutic to recreational dose. Anything above that is considered “high” or “heavy”. Not judging, 200mg was my starting dose for a long time. It’s not like I needed serotonin later or anything ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- More substances can contribute to SS than you may realize. MDMA is not the only one. Other psychedelics (which could include other phenethylamines and tryptamines) and some OTC medications or supplements. Always check before adding a new herb/supplement to your stack. Cold and Cough medicines with DM contain DXM also pose risks in combination with other serotonergic substances.
- More bonus info: Cocaine is an SNDRI and MDMA is an SNDRA. You can google the rest if you care what that means.
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