Scientists say most marijuana strains act basically the same
This has been said before, but people still like to argue that different types of alcohol get you “different types of drunk” and that white/green/red veins of kratom have vastly different effects.
It’s pretty much all the same shit. It’s just different potencies of active chemicals mixed with set and setting. Folks just be making shit up, especially in the context of marketing.
Also, I highlighted the part that THC alone is pretty lousy. Other cannabinoids offset or create certain effects. A study done a year ago took dozens of strains and measured the THC & CBD content, and the THC & CBD levels in most of the plants, regardless of strains, were pretty much the same.
Linked both articles below and to the feed on my website for those of you on instagram that can’t click the links.
Article: Scientists say most marijuana strains act basically the same
Study: THC amounts identical in most cannabis strains But newly uncovered compounds could explain different pharmacological effects