Psychoactives 4 Plebs: Harm Reduction 101 – Breaking Down the Basics and Backing Away from Bias
Has anyone ever made the claim that some drug is not addictive just because it doesn’t cause physical withdrawals? What about cocaine? It produces little observable withdrawal. This myth and more will be debunked as I dive deep into what is harm reduction, and helping folks better understanding what the risks of substance use are, everything from mild to severe use, licit to illicit, etc. It’s a harm reductionist’s role to not display bias or judgement, and yet here half of you are shaming people for the use of pharmaceuticals or other drugs you don’t prefer, or spreading misinformation.
It’s fine if you believe, for example, in the healing power of naturals like cannabis, ibogaine, etc. but when half your stance is shitting on opioid or other users of drugs, I’m gonna need you to stop. Especially if you’re not being honest about the risks of those drugs, too. Yes, there are risks. All drug use has risks. You thought because it comes from the nature there are no risks? Meanwhile, you probably wouldn’t touch Datura with a 10 foot pole. Hehhh! Come on Monday, listen in, and hit me with your best rebuttals because I love arguing with people.
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