Psychedelic Integration
It’s been very difficult for me to find the words to type this because I’m a bit distressed about currently unfolding situations.
Anyone who’s known me for a substantial period of time and has actually had in depth conversations with me, I strongly support Ketamine therapy for treatment resistant depression. I’ve been putting people onto it for years, because I’ve just dealt with a lot and I’ve seen my friends go through a lot. I’ve seen it work.
I also strongly support psychedelic therapy. MDMA and Psilocybin both have had profoundly positive impacts on my life, even though I have put myself in high-risk situations with their use in the past. I have gotten myself into DEEP SHIT getting far too comfortable in pushing those limits. I’m not talking about just the experience being intense or the physical recovery, I’m talking about the mental implications.
Our brains are complex. Scientists are still trying to figure all this shit out. They’re still trying to figure out how all these drugs work. Researchers are working to find a successful template for the benefit of people who need them. There are also shamans for a reason. There are these retreats and clinics and support groups for a reason.
With psychedelics, people need support and integration. Some people can accomplish this on their own. Some people need time. But some people spiral into complete mania or schizophrenia, and some people end up committing suicide after they’ve lost touch with reality. Just because there’s a very low or non-existent risk of death from the substance itself doesn’t mean there are NO risks. This is why I have an aversion to psychonauts who constantly boast about heroic doses, disrespect microdosing, and/or shame trip-sitting.
I have a low tolerance for that type of attitude. Harm reduction/benefit maximization is so important, and some people are setting up others for failure by glossing over/not acknowledging the risks of taking this into your own hands.
Maybe some of you folks should spend more time in medical tents, the sanctuary tents, responding to your friends in crisis, because folks be talking about all this “ego death” and having massive egos.
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