On December 21, 2022 Plant/Nautral Medicine Evangelists Hate When Harm Reductionists AdvocatE For All Drugs https://edu.therebeleducationist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/319945182_202801098903532_3036156778107597115_n.mp4 Can’t stop, won’t stop His ignorance and hypocrisy is showing. This argument is flawed for a number of reasons I’ve laid out in the slides. It’s always incredible to me how much these people who act as if they are so about healing society are actually extremely selfish and myopic. Stop drinking the drug war propaganda kool aid! Activism/Protest, Advocacy, Debunking Misinformation, Drug Facts, Laws/Legal Fb. Tw.
On September 4, 2022 I’m going to be a pain in everyone’s ass about it until y’all put some respek on my fucking name Drug Facts, Media/News, Research, Stimulants Fb. Tw.
On May 24, 2019 High Dose MDMA Harm Reduction Debunking Misinformation, Drug Checking Results, Drug Harm Reduction, Health, Psychedelics Fb. Tw.
On May 28, 2020 For those wondering what the ingredients of Serotonin™️ are. Health, Nutrition/Supplements Fb. Tw.