Non Drug-Related Harm Reduction/Benefit Maximization
I support this graphic from @dylanshopefoundation as a person who tries to apply harm reduction principles to many areas of my life (which is why I’ve become a fan of general wellness and sustainability). While traditionally the term applies to drug use, when you consider all the other forms of reducing harm or maximizing benefits, it’s more relatable to more people who stigmatize drug use (of any kind) that’s been a result of all the propaganda and misinformation we’ve been indoctrinated with for decades. .
I don’t know if any of y’all have been to the Museum of Death in LA (probably similar in other locations) but if you don’t like looking at blood and gore then you’ll want to skip the car crash exhibit (before seatbelts were mandated in most vehicles). Originally utilized for pilots, was later implemented in NYC taxis to keep passengers safe, and then became more standard (the 3 point seatbelt design we know today) in the 50s in vehicles (thanks to a Volvo engineer).

Fun fact: My dad exclusively preferred Volvos for their safety engineering. Our 1986 Volvo 740 was the most beastly vehicle ever. It was T-boned by a drunk driver in a truck and knocked onto another street when I was roughly 3mo old (and in the car seat on other side of the vehicle). The driver’s side backseat passenger door was damaged, but the car overall was mostly unscathed. The frame was a little warped from the accident that made it kind of a pain in the ass to close for some years afterwards (at least until I was old enough to have memories of it). Legend has it, I was completely unbothered by the accident and slept through it, completely unharmed (thanks, Swedish engineering!), and my mom had a mild neck injury, but was treated with physical therapy. That car was a tank, and it stayed in the family until roughly 2004 when we sold it with over 270k miles and still completely functional.
If y’all storm Area 51, everyone should just pull up in an old school Volvo.