[New York] Felony Classifications and Drugs
I’ve attached some additional screenshots about what can determine a felony and what that means for your voting rights (the class C and D felonies listed are specifically for New York. There are obviously other types of felonies but unless you’re El Chapo or some shit you probably would only fall into either of these categories from your personal drug use). Tons of drug charges can be classified as felonies! Even some which seem like minor possession charges.
– Psilocybin mushrooms (light dose: 500mg-1.5g)
– Petyote/Mescaline (threshold: 100mg mescaline, 10-50g for peyote)
– Ketamine (threshold: 5mg, light: 20-50mg, common: 50-125mg)
– MDMA (light: 40-75mg, common: 75-125mg)
– LSD (measured in micrograms, but are they measuring the amount of the active ingredient or the weight of the blotter/material?)
– PCP not even listed, tf?
The DEA classifies stimulants as meth, amphetamines, cocaine, and khat (who the fuck has khat in North America??? Seriously, are the Bangladeshi smoke shops lowkey selling this bc I’m interested )
Look at how arbitrary and vague the the amounts and classifications are, too. 25mg of a hallucinogen. Most “hallucinogens” are Schedule I. The DEA classifies the following as “hallucinogens” even though NY seems to view them slightly differently:
As I think I’ve mentioned previously, the law varies by state, so familiarize yourself with your state of residence.
Felon rights are a murky thing we don’t talk about often enough. It’s hard to get an average job with a felony conviction. Not even Postmates will hire you. Yet so many companies exploit prison labor and wouldn’t actually hire a felon. I looked it up; the only companies that seem to do both in the likely non exhaustive lists that I found are:
– AT&T
– Wendy’s
– McDonalds
– Fruit of the Loom
– Nordstrom
– Motorola
– Sara Lee
– Shell Oil
Personally can confirm Jiffy Lube and/or Valvoline will hire felons (and don’t use prison labor). I didn’t learn how to work on cars at a trade school ya know ¯_(ツ)_/¯