Napkin Poisoning Debunked

These napkin poisoning stories started popping up a few weeks ago. The first time I saw it, there was no mention of fentanyl, but I’m sure people speculated about it anyway despite sources indicating the substance was unknown.
Then another video came out where the woman confidently identified the “poison” as fentanyl. I asked her what her sources were, not expecting her to respond (I hate going back and forth on the internet, it’s a waste of my time). The audacity to say that her source was tik tok, and call personal testimonies “receipts”.
GIRL. Receipts are physical evidence that something has occurred, not someone just saying something. Where’s the bloodwork? Where’s the attending doctor’s quote at least, verifying these were results they found?
This would get immediately thrown out of Judge Judy’s courtroom and she would laugh in your face if you called someone’s verbal side of the story “evidence”. I offered to DM her a case study but people love being loud and wrong.
She’s been real quiet since my last response, but knowing how some people react any time I confront them with factual information I probably got blocked. I’ve even been blocked for simply asking where a “positive” fentanyl test strip result came from, and asked if the sample of MDMA was diluted properly.
This is a company claiming to try to “end overdose” btw. Not gonna name any names, but that is disgraceful behavior and people think I’m the asshole. I’m literally just trying to keep people safe and informed with evidence-backed information.
The hysteria isn’t helping anyone. As I said in my post op post, it seems doctors are literally afraid to disclose fentanyl use is normal for these procedures. I was so functional after surgery I went grocery shopping at Target 2 hours after leaving the OR. It’s not that deep. The real and very present danger of fentanyl is primarily for the people who use stigmatized drugs.