[Milwaukee] – 18 Year Old Dies After Taking “MDMA”
18 Year old dies at Milwaukee Club TheRave and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote an article with a few lines of offensively inaccurate information. I kindly emailed the author to make some corrections. In short:
1. Do not infer that somehow ecstasy (pressed) is safer than “molly” (powder/crystal). Both are fully capable of being adulterated.
2. You will hardly find any drug cut with cocaine. It’s a more expensive substance and rarely is cocaine not cut in and of itself.
3. You will hardly find PCP in “molly”. DXM, *maybe*. But PCP? Nah. Not unless you time travelled back to the late 90s/early 00s. Dissociatives as adulterants for MDMA is highly uncommon today.
4. Plant fertilizer? Yes. Your drugs are cut with Mirical-Gro–Except not. Even if they meant the slang term “Plant Food” for Mephedrone, you won’t really find that circulating much in the US as an adulterant. So don’t worry about it.
5. “Bath Salts”, the now catch-all term for cathinones, but originally referred to MDPV isn’t as common in MDMA anymore. However you can find many other cathinones such as Methylone, Ethylone, and Alpha-PVP/apvp that killed an Ultra Music festival attendee in 2014.
So what other adulterants CAN be realistically found in/in place of MDMA? – Potent Synthetic Cannibinoids such as AB-FUBINACA – Cathinones
- Methamphetamine
- Occasionally psychedlics like 5-MeO-Dipt
- Rarely, but not unheard of benzofurans like 5-MAPB (actually less neurotoxic than MDxx)
Update: Amphetamines + Cannabinoids

According to the medical examiner’s report, Starr tested positive for amphetamines and cannabinoids at the hospital. The report indicates Starr had been seizing at The Rave. An EMT who worked at The Rave told officials Starr had been talking prior to the arrival of Milwaukee Fire Department officials at The Rave. She indicated that she was at The Rave with her 17-year-old boyfriend, and that she had taken “.4 of Molly” — a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception. [Source]