MDMA Doesn’t Actually Cause Comedowns, New Study Finds (You Sure About That?)

NOTE: READ THE SLIDES! Original article on @vice
This is an older post I forgot to share here, but also many people misinterpreted this information because they didn’t read. Also, what doesn’t get mentioned or talked about much in general is that genetics play a role in drug metabolism and could easily cause some unpleasant side effects as well.
I actually never really had MDMA comedowns. I would use vitamins and take my ass to sleep eventually. I’ve crashed on meth before so… lol. When it’s time to sleep, my body shuts off at random like a forced Windows update.
Where the hell you gonna find MDMA that pure from a clandestine lab even if you COULD test for purity? The reality is recreational users are gonna roll face and dance till sunrise and probably mix alcohol and/or other drugs (and grapefruit juice or other enzyme inhibiting substances that change the potency of drugs).
And for the hyponatremia issue, consume electrolytes in addition to water. Can be in the form of salty snacks or little putting some salt in your water. Hyponatremia is a condition where you’ve got too little sodium in your blood. So you’re not gonna replace sodium (especially sweating) if you’re only drinking water and not consuming anything else to restore it. This is especially important if you’ve got “female” estrogen estrogen levels. You’re even more prone to hyponatremia because for whatever reason the hormones cause urinary retention.
If you’re gonna do all that, get yourself a solid preload and postload vitamin stack. I’ve been a fan of @festivalwellness for the last 9 years (I used to individually take all the same supplements and venue security doesn’t take too kindly to a baggie full of pills). I actually took the Tempo almost every day (they’ve gone out of business in recent years).
Read more on my Talking Drugs article: Reducing MDMA Comedown and Risks