Lucy In The Sky With Nazis: Psychedelics and the Right Wing

Activism/ProtestLucy In The Sky With Nazis: Psychedelics and the Right Wing

Lucy In The Sky With Nazis: Psychedelics and the Right Wing

“Pretending psychedelics will cure ideological “diseases” without agitating for accompanying (and necessary!) systemic change is just that: pretend. Moreover, it’s a fiction that allows those in the psychedelic movement to separate themselves and be content with decriminalizing their drugs of choice, washing their hands of truly ending the drug war through the full decriminalization of all drugs. If those that have benefited from the real curative, consciousness-expanding properties of psychedelics want to see the world improve in some directional way, they should build power with broader drug reform and climate movements during the 99.99% of the time that they are not on drugs.” Via @psymposia: Lucy In The Sky With Nazis: Psychedelics and the Right Wing

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