High Dose MDMA Harm Reduction

People too often assume that deaths from Ecstasy are a result of adulteration which is not always true nor the case. I’ve found nothing from lab tests and pill reports online that would suggest the available batches of Donkey Kong pills contain anything other than “significant amounts” of MDMA. Multiple other users have documented taking this pill without “problems”. Doses over 120mg MDMA should be considered as high and users should be aware that they are at increased risk of adverse effects.
Adverse effects of MDMA use can include: visual hallucinations, confusion, agitation, hypertension, seizures and coma. Fatalities have been described in individuals who have consumed 150mg MDMA. Effects occur within 1 hour and last 4-6 hours after 75-150 mg, and up to 48 hours after 100-300 mg.
Individuals who are determined to use should not be apathetic in their approach
Harm Reduction advice:
If you are going to take ecstasy avoid taking a whole pill, and absolutely do not double drop.
Start with half a pill or even quarter of a pill and wait at least 2 hours before re-dosing.
Be aware that pills being sold as ecstasy may contain other drugs such as PMA which can be stronger, longer lasting and more dangerous. PMA can also take longer to have an effect. Unless it is tested you cannot be sure what you are taking.
Take time to relax regularly and cool down to avoid overheating
Effects can be more intense if snorting so start with a small amount to see how it affects you
Avoid mixing with depressant drugs, especially alcohol which can dull the effects of ecstasy and increases your chance of dehydration (check tripsit for more drug combination warnings)
If it feels different from what you are expecting, or if you feel nothing after a long wait (which you should not from a MDMA pill), do not take any more in the hope that increasing the dose will increase the positive psychoactive effects. Do not take any more MDMA-related products either.
When taking Ecstasy / MDMA don’t drink too much water. Sip a pint of water per hour max.
Use in a safe environment with trusted company
Tell someone you are with what you are taking
drugchecking molly drugsafety