Drug use does not Have To = Substance Use Disorder

Activism/ProtestAdvocacyDrug use does not Have To = Substance Use Disorder

Drug use does not Have To = Substance Use Disorder

via: @frontlinemedics @healthinjustice The war on drugs has been used to justify and intensify the war on poor Black & Brown communities throughout the world – used to steal our land, reinforce borders, flood cops into the neighborhood, fill the prisons – and even when the use is harmful to our communities, the dichotomous morality of bad/good doesn’t allow those navigating trauma, the support they need to heal. we gotta end the war on drugs, decriminalize substances and listen to those with lived and living experience around what they need moving forward. Drug use does not always mean someone has a Substance Use Disorder. While most of us see this in our day-to-day reality (smoking cannabis at a party, using stimulants to enhance our work, experimenting with psychedelics at a festival), our language, laws and education often lack this context, trapping us into either/or thinking about drug use. Check out the slides to reflect more on the spectrum of substance use. An important question to ask: how often are the consequences of substance use societally imposed rather than a function of the use itself?

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