Drug Surprise: Meth Makes You Feel Almost As Cuddly as Ecstasy
This one is not from my Twitter archives, but since a lot of people probably don’t understand my meth jokes and why I’m not edgy enough to hate it—here’s something that maybe you didn’t know.
A new study suggests that — at least in low, oral doses — the effects of methamphetamine may be much more like those of ecstasy than previously believed, increasing sociability and playfulness, and belying its bad name. What’s more, the study finds that the empathetic behavior exhibited by ecstasy users may result from a reduced ability to read certain social cues, rather than any enhancement in sharing other people’s feelings.
That being said, the dose-response curve for meth is pretty steep, and at a minimum active dose of 5mg (orally), compared to MDMA’s 40mg (orally), it’s really easy to fuck that up—not to mention the 12 hour half-life…
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