Drug Checking Tips Pt. 3

This is the last post in the series related to drug checking. Some folks don’t want to strip test/dissolve more of their substance because they may think they’re sacrificing the drug.
While there are ways to reconstitute the substance with some method of drainage or dehydration, it’s tedious and you’re still likely to lose some of the substance. Acetone wash has also been suggested, BUT I’ve not heard it confirmed that acetone will remove fentanyl from something like methamphetamine, if it’s present. It could make a batch of a substance more potent, if there are cuts/buffers that get removed.
Unlike reagents, immunoassay strips won’t make the solvent (water or saline) toxic. So it can be used in a nasal spray or other solution for a different route of administration. Check @nextdistro for guides. Nasal sprays are much gentler on your nose as well.
Don’t forget to carry Naloxone anyway