Drug Checking Tips Pt. 2

This is the continuation of drug checking using an older guide I made for cocaine (and adding some updates with the Morris reagent). It’s somewhat outdated (new strips are available), but the same concepts apply. Lmk if I missed something.
While this is cocaine-specific, it’s really for testing anything (except heroin at this point. It’s usually way too cut, you’re unlikely to get clear reagent results. Benzos/benzo analogs shouldn’t be reacting to any of these reagents, but you can still use them).
Test with reagents and test with fentanyl strips (amphetamine/benzo strips as needed) at the minimum. These are the most accessible at-home tools without getting into something like thin layer chromatography that takes a really long time and uses odorous, noxious chemicals (ammonia-based concoction), a black light etc.
Many testing services, even with FTIR or GCMS spectrometers still use strips and/or reagents. If you can access them, then use them. There will unlikely be a testing service/individual at your disposal at your convenience (especially in the US).
Still carry naloxone regardless of test results.
Note on the new @dancesafe_ strips: they still still give false positive to diphenhydramine (Benedryl), however that’s primarily an opioid cut. It does not give a false positive to methadone, lidocaine, levamisole, or procaine, MDMA, or methamphetamine regardless of concentration, and is 10x more sensitive for fentanyl detection. You can learn more at dancesafe.org/fentanyl