Drug Checking Tips Pt. 1

This is going to be a multi post bc I’m combining a bunch of info from old highlights around the same topic. This info is also upwards of a year old now, but the concepts still apply especially if you’re still using BTNX/not the new @dancesafe_ strip and not incorporating reagent testing.
I can’t stress enough not just to test substances accurately, but also thoroughly (use the reagents when you can). Fentanyl has never been the only concern in illicit supply, and also this is unfortunately not new, just increasingly more common. That’s why the colorimetric reagents have been a tool for the last 20+ years and still remain relevant. If your substance is only fentanyl, the reagents can detect that, too. Results may look like methamphetamine, so test carefully with other reagents.
There’s a small possibility that PMA/PMMA has reared its ugly head again (not saying it’s a pattern, but sometimes edge cases of bunk pills pop up) which was killing ravers in the early to mid 00s–even as recently as mid 2010s in the EU, and it’s not an opioid. It’s a phenethylamine like MDMA, but FAR more toxic and deadly.
Regardless of your test results, carry naloxone. You never know when you’ll need it (even for someone else).
More on the new DanceSafe strips: please use those instead if possible. It makes testing easier, especially for amphetamine users (that includes MDMA and/or illicit Adderall/prescription stimulants), or people that could end up with amphetamines in their substance, like potentially cocaine.
[BTNX] Amphetamine strips are also available through DanceSafe. I recommend them if you want to test for amphetamines somewhere where they shouldn’t be. Benzo strips are available through BTNX as well, but they do not reliably detect etizolam, because it’s structurally not technically a benzo it is a benzo analog called thienotriazolodiazepine (it has low sensitivity of detection and there would need to be more of it present or a different dilution ratio to detect).
I recognize it can be cost prohibitive and not possible to utilize every tool for every test, but if and when you have the ability to acquire and use them, DO IT.