Difficult To Test Adulterants

Drug FactsDrug Checking ResultsDifficult To Test Adulterants

Difficult To Test Adulterants

(Note: Original image unavailable) Lidocaine-Induced Methemoglobinemia is a concern, not to mention for those that might be injecting–lidocaine can basically stop your heart (it’s used for arrhythmia). Synthetic cannabinoids are problematic all around. In case you missed it, peep the DEA posts on my timeline a few posts prior. There’s at least 20 synthetic cannabinoids on that list. Some of which are completely new to me. It’s documented that a number of them cause poisonings and seizures. AB-FUBINACA was involved in hospitalizing 14 at Wesleyan 4 years ago, when it was passed off as molly. At least one was left in a coma for some days after. Working to see what we can do to empower users to be as safe as possible. Some things are just not easy to test for.

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