DEA: Marijuana seized in Brattleboro not laced with fentanyl (Or Anywhere, Really)

Drug FactsCannabis/CannabinoidsDEA: Marijuana seized in Brattleboro not laced with fentanyl (Or Anywhere, Really)

DEA: Marijuana seized in Brattleboro not laced with fentanyl (Or Anywhere, Really)

I posted this in my stories a few weeks ago when it was released but honestly forgot/didn’t care to post it to my feed till I scrolled over some old content. I don’t know if this is directly related to the cases in CT or not, but either way, this shit is cap and even the DEA said that’s cap. I’d really like to feel like I don’t have to talk about this dumb shit anymore. How many times can law enforcement pull this stunt and y’all believe it? I’m thinking next (if they didn’t already with the “sample” they submitted) they’ll go as far to make a mix concoction themselves to try to legitimize it (whether or not it actually gets used by anyone). I really hope by now I’ve taught people to think critically on these topic cuz that’s what good educators do. Also other educators are compensated for their work. I’ve mostly just opted out on responding to anything for a while while I find ways to sustain myself and have enough disposable income to redistribute to mutual aid. I don’t even have the bandwidth to keep asking people to give a shit right now. And one last thing before I have to try to knock back out and get rest before today’s scheduled appearance, but I’m really tired of people only caring when the fentanyl adulteration (and the harm reduction solutions) are only being talked about/catered specifically to [white] people who use so-called recreational drugs. Whatever the fuck that means anymore. Y’all are trying to medicalize everything and slap moral values to drug use all over again. I got trained to carry narcan for opioid users. I became a distributor for opioid users. As far as I’m concerned, there’s two types of PWUD: Ones with resources (like stable housing), and ones without. Arbitrarily trying to categorize people by the specific drugs that they use is further splintering harm reduction movements and others stay trying to pigeonhole me into one “side”. The venn diagram of the drug use people envision in social settings and the drug use that people envision only happening “on the streets” is virtually a circle when you’re marginalized af. It’s the same fight for me bc my ppl use opioids, meth, etc. and they’re at parties too.

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