Cocaine is an Anti-Depressant
Amer Naik is not technically wrong lol. Remember how I said Cocaine is a naturally occurring SNDRI and told you to Google it if you care what that means? I’m sure nobody Googled it. .
It’s a serotonin-norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor, which is a type of drug also used for some antidepressants. Do you know what else is classified as an SNDRI, even though its primary mechanisms of action are as NMDA receptor antagonists–you guessed it–PCP! Oh, yeah, also Ketamine.
What else is cocaine similar to? Wellbutrin (Bupropion, if you snort it), and methylphenidate, AKA Ritalin, Concerta, and whatever other brand name you know it by. It’s not just prescribed for ADHD, but can be prescribed for treatment resistant depression (if you read the other post, it was listed as an NDRI, the same category as Wellbutrin).
This doesn’t mean go out and try to solve your problems with cocaine, or even ketamine, or try to treat depression just because data supports its ability to be used medically. If you’re prone to having a compulsive drug use habit (possibly because you’re already depressed), it’s possible you’re going to compulsively use either/both of them and still be depressed with an expensive substance abuse disorder.
Besides, we’re adults. Even if cocaine has 0 medicinal benefit (it does, but that’s irrelevant), we should all be allowed to enjoy a little cocaine. But because it’s illegal, our cocaine quality sucks ass. Turns out that weird test result from NYE matches test results of Vitamin C, which probably wouldn’t even get picked up by a GCMS. If y’all are gonna put antioxidants in coke at least use like ALA or CoQ10 or something. We all probably already get enough Vitamin C.