About the National Guard

Activism/ProtestAbout the National Guard

About the National Guard

So, there’s been some vague or misleading information spreading so I want to make sure people understand what’s BS and what’s unclear:

1st of all, the National Guard is not going to stop for the National Anthem if they’re in the middle of a “mission”. That’d be utterly ridiculous.

2. Peeing in a cop car will most likely fuck yourself and other low-wage/service workers more than cops. Sometimes inmates or 3rd party services clean the vehicles. Also why would you want to sit in jail in your own piss?

3. If you’re military and you are ordered to take action, it depends on what you’re ordered to do whether or not you can rightfully refuse. You CAN refuse illegal orders. Ex: If protesters are peacefully assembling, or if a legal protest is going on it is your job to ask “Sir, is that legal? Is that a lawful order?” Rules will vary from state to state. The guard is defending the state constitution.

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